Another Sunday read… No Bullsh*t Leadership.
I’ve never heard of Chris Hirst before but the book is true to its title. It cuts to the chase. No fluff. No BS. I particularly like this chapter that talks about what to do when things go wrong.
i.e. How not to be an emotional train wreck even when you’re derailed and the brakes don’t work.
I like Simon Sinek. Now I like Chris Hirst too. You know who I don’t like?
Gary Vee.
His “style” just rubs me off the wrong way. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t subscribe to it. I get it that some people need a wake up call. And I’m not asking you to sugarcoat your words. But you don’t have to be a prick ALL the time, even if it’s your “branding”.
I mean… Gordon Ramsay has a mean mouth…
But even Gordon Ramsay knows there’s different ways to make a dish…
Treat people with respect.
It doesn’t matter if they are poor.
It doesn’t matter if they don’t know what you know.
It just doesn’t.
Knowledge is power. Be a leader who empowers, not kick them down when they’re already out.
It’s all about respect.
No BS. I’m out.